Mystical Forest Tarot


Step into the forest of vibrant colours, wild animals, and all-encompassing magic. With beautiful illustrations and a helpful guidebook, experience tarot as never before, with Mystical Forest Tarot.

With the rise of science and technology, tarot cards and mystic practices are re-emerging to remind and empower users of their interwoven fate. THE MYSTICAL FOREST TAROT is a spiritual journey into the forest following the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot tradition. The illustrations by well-known street artist Wes Gama offer a sensorial experience inspired by Brazil’s unrivalled Amazon Rainforest – renowned for its potent flora and mystical energy. Each character is surrounded by psychedelic colours and foliage that remind users of the transcendent relationship between people and nature.

About the Author

Cecilia Lattari is a professional actress who graduated from the School of Theater in Bologna and has a degree in Herbalist Techniques. She works in the field of relationships, stimulating people to know the most authentic part of themselves using theatrical practices and sensorial experiences in the world of plants.

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More Information
  • Published : 31/08/2023
  • ISBN : 9781524881344
  • Format : 78 cards & instructions
  • Imprint : Andrews McMeel
  • Size: 76 x 127
  • Author: Celia Lattari illustrated by Wes Game

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